New Yorkers Escaping Record Cold Weather Rank Syria as Top Vacation Spot

new-yorkers-record-cold-syria-top-vacation-spot-1New York City (NYC) is the greatest city in the world, but New York winters can be brutal. So far this year, these urbanites have suffered from record lows — In December, a record low 20 days have been under 60 degrees. People have had enough. With winter only starting, travel agents are booking trips to tropical and even hot desert climates.

This article is from the parody section, as if you can’t tell.

One of the most popular destinations in 2016 is beautiful downtown Demascus, Syria.

Demascus, Syria offers a comfortable warm climate, with daily hot sun and sandstorms. It is certainly a wonderful getaway for those sun-worshippers and snowbirds of the architectural bent. Top things to do in Syria include visits to old decrepit places with lots of pretty columns and doorways (this vacation does not guarantee you will still see them, but … ) like the Dead City of Serjilla, Old City, the Saladin Mausoleum, an even older Old City, The National Museum of Damascus, and an even older older Old City. Viewing ancient sand from camel back is a national pastime, as is imbibing in one of the most ancient of Syrian beverages, camel urine. Come enjoy sand and swill! Hurry before time runs out! It could all be gone tomorrow! A vacation of a lifetime!

FTC disclosure: Newscast Now has been paid a premium by the governing body of the district of Douma to create this advertorial. But don’t worry, we really do recommend this hot vacation spot. See you there!

Featured picture credit: Associated Press.